Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Week 26

Definitely been rather uncomfortable the past several days and this picture shows the reason - the girls have been growing! Had my MFM appointment today and discovered Baby A is about 2 lbs 4 ounces and Baby B is weighing in at 2 lbs 1 ounce! Just a couple weeks ago they were each about a 1 lb and a half - they've been busy, busy! The ultrasound tech gave me some more detailed pictures this week, which was really nice.
Baby A
Might be hard to tell, but this Baby A's face. She was folded in half and curled up, so getting a good shot of her was difficult. Her hand is up by her forehead and her leg and foot are folded across her body.
Baby B
Hello, Baby B! That's her arm straight up beside her face (and baby A right up against her arm). That little nose and those cheeks! Both girls take after their brother in that department!

It was so neat and comforting to see them in 4D this week. As my mother would say "they are so real!" Well thank goodness I've been growing real babies versus fake ones for the past 6 months!

P.S. I love you, mom ;)

We got some good news this week regarding my cervix - thank you, Jesus! All my measurements were between 2.5 cm and 3.0 cm, which is improvement from last week. I'm not sure what to attribute to that other than the Lord's goodness and maybe the rest I've been getting. Praying this improvement continues, as having it fluctuate from week to week is rather taxing on this hormonal momma! This also means they're holding off on the steroid shots - that will be revisited again next week if my numbers get smaller again.

Needless to say, I'm in a good mood today. No tears on the drive home - hooray! Instead I was imagining holding them in my arms at 36 weeks old (at least) and kissing those chubby cheeks. I want so badly to provide them a comfortable environment in my body so they will continue to grow and thrive before greeting us in person. Hold on, girls, just a little bit longer!

I've been trying to rest as much as possible and to know when I need to stop or when something is too much. I'm kind of a bad gauge at this because I'm so type A and like to take care of things. I've been a tad more emotional the past few days as a result - I hate feeling like a lazy mom and wife. I know I'm not. Really, I do know this. It can just be hard for me to give up control in certain areas, especially when it involves taking care of my family - my job; my life; my loves. I think having felt so uncomfortable this past weekend was a good thing for me. It forced me to freely say "no, I'm going to sit on the couch and do nothing the majority of the day" and BE OKAY WITH IT. God knows me. He knows I can't control this and he knows I hate that I can't control this. He also knows that's when I open my eyes and realize (yet again. sigh.) who I need to be relying on. Funny how he tends to teach me to same lesson over and over through various journey's...you'd think I'd get it by now. But I know I've grown in relationship with Him, in hope, at least a little bit each time. He's always there. So grateful for that love.

Some days, watching J is a breeze and others can be a bit more challenging - as is with any toddler! I love that my husband works from home. It's rather comforting knowing he's right there if I ever need him for anything. J and I have been getting a little stir crazy lately though. Tired of being on the couch, in the living room, watching tv, and playing with low key toys. So, yesterday I asked hubby to get his water table out of the shed. J and I filled it up. Mommy sat in a chair on the patio and enjoyed the beautiful weather and sounds of a happy, almost naked little boy splashing in the water. It may not be much, but it was enough. For both of us.
Before the clothes came off...
I purposely don't plan a whole lot during the week anymore - it's all in an effort to try not to over-schedule my life when I should be taking it easy. Random play dates here and there I can totally handle, but my normal "to-do" lists have gone bye-bye for the time being. This coming weekend I'm hoping to get decor up on the walls in the nursery and have the hubby finish putting together some furniture...then hopefully I can post some pictures! We're also planning a date night. We haven't been out on a date in a couple months. Definitely going to keep it simple and probably just go see a movie and grab a bite to eat somewhere. We just need time together. So looking forward to it!

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