Saturday, May 16, 2015

Week 31

Pretty sure the belly grew overnight this week. The girls won't be measured for growth again until this next week, but if they aren't 4 pounds each right now, they are definitely very close...and momma's feeling it!

Last Friday evening was a bit of a scare (at 30 weeks - didn't make the blog because I had posted already). I was having contractions most of the day. By the time they did the monitoring in the evening they had become pretty consistent and slightly more intense. The nurse came in and told me they were about 5 minutes apart and that she was going to call the doctor to see what needed to be done. At that point they put an IV in and got me started on fluids. I had called Richard to fill him in and about 2 minutes after getting off the phone with him I texted him telling him I needed him here. I had no idea what was going to happen and I didn't want to deal with it alone. I was hooked up to the IV for the remainder of the night. Thankfully the fluids helped slow the contractions and we didn't have to resort to magnesium - it helps protect the babies' brain as well as relax the uterus, but it also makes momma feel yucky with flu-like symptoms...and I was not looking forward to that. Since that night I've been fine. I've had some contractions, but they're irregular and not really painful. So thankful. My level of discomfort in general has increased though. These girls are growing and completely taking over my body. As much as I want my body back, I want to keep them growing for a little while longer, so endure it, I must. It will be so worth it.

I knew going into the week, this weekend would be a bit more tough for me. Mom left for Oregon on Friday and will be back really late Monday night. One last little break before the long haul of waiting on these precious girls to be born and I'm really going to want my momma here. She came Monday and Wednesday with Josiah and several of our friends have been gracious enough to help take care of Josiah the other days since our help is gone. Richard gets him all weekend - they need some guy time. It'll be good for them.

I had a couple friends come by and visit this week, which I always look forward to. It helps pass the time faster and makes me feel fairly normal to be socializing with friends. This week I felt some serious boredom though. The visits were great, but it was the rest of the day that was hard. There's only so much TV/movies I can watch, reading I can do, and crafting I can craft before I'm ready for some normalcy. Y'all, I really do miss the running and chasing Josiah around, playdates, grocery shopping, and housework. I'm trying to 'enjoy' this time to myself as much as possible because I know life is going to get really crazy once these sweet girls are here, but it is so hard when I'm missing home and what I knew as my everyday life.

I'll be 32 weeks in a few days and we will be rejoicing in that! Towards the end of the week, the doctor will reassess me and our situation in order to decide if they'll keep me here a little longer or send me home. To be honest, I'm not sure which I would prefer. As much as I want to be home, I'm much more comfortable being here especially after the episode from last week. I'd rather be here if something were to happen since this is where I'd have to go anytime before 36 weeks. I've managed almost 3 weeks here, what's a few more? Please pray for clarity for the doctors and for comfort and acceptance for me with whatever the decision is.

Did some more bow making this week

Finally watched Beauty and the Beast AND enjoyed a very tasty bag of movie mix popcorn from a friend

My sweet babies on Mother's Day

Finally got to spend a Mother's Day with my mom in the 8 years I've lived in Texas

My gift to her - 3 grandbabies

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